Monday, March 12, 2012

Our Weekend

Just this last Friday as I was about to make my monthly Costco trip there was a knock at the door. I knew exactly what it was about, Court had been reminding me all week. Now those of you who know Court well, this is probably not a big surprise to you haha. I'm still not sure how I feel about it. This is what our delivery was.

Don't worry we're only keeping two of them. Court is wanting us to have "Fresh eggs everyday!" Haha, I have to say the chicken coop he built in the back yard is pretty sweet and I can't wait until they're out there. The rest of the chicks are going to people in our ward who also want these 'fresh eggs'

After getting the chicks settled we headed off to Lane and Katherines (my aunt and uncle) to watch their kids for the weekend. We had fun watching them. Here are just a couple pictures of our time spent with them.

This is Addison, she is stinkin cute and definitely keeps you on your toes and always entertained!

Savannah made waffles for dinner one night, which I was very grateful for, and I have to say they were some of the best waffles I ever tasted! I didn't get pictures of Kayla or Connor but they were definitely there too :) We love our cousins!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A year and half later...

Well I do think the title of this blog post says it's been awhile. I've been thinking for the past few weeks that I really needed to update my blog so I'm very excited to get started again! Of course, to catch up on a year in a half is a little impossible so I'm letting some pictures do the work.

Aw Rocky Point, Mexico! These pictures are from our trip in March 2011, this is a family vacation I look forward to every year! This one was even better because my Grandma Spencer got to come with us!

We went over to Faith and Shauns' to celebrate Cruzer's 1st Birthday in May. We have loved having Faith and Shaun in AZ with us. We are able to do a lot of stuff together and always have so much fun, and Court and I love playing with Cruz! He is our favorite little guy!

What is Summer without a family trip to Bear Lake?! We had the Lynch reunion this past August and it was a blast! Being in AZ we don't get to see everyone as much as we'd like so we love these family vacations!

We were so happy we got to get away in June to head up to good old Norco! Almost everyone was able to make that trip and it was so nice being all together again. We were especially grateful for the time we were able to spend with Marv!

While on the Norco trip in June Court and I left for a couple days to go to Disney Land! I hadn't been since I was 11 so needless to say I was so excited! We had a wonderful time! Shelby and Josh went with us one of the days we were there and it made Disney Land even more fun!

Some how we were able to take a weekend trip to our Cook family cabin in July with some of our best friends!

For the 4th of July we weren't able to go anywhere so we stayed and had a BBQ with friends who were in town also!

Me and my buddy Cruzer :) Me and Court have about 100 pictures with this kid, I'm pretty sure we take a picture of him every time we hang out with Faith and Shaun. We spend many of our weekends with them and always have a blast!

In October the Cook family took a trip to the Grand Canyon! It was so beautiful! Sad to say that was my first time going. We had so much fun spending time together and hiking. All the brothers and sisters were able to go except Tanner who was up at school.

In December me and Court went to a Suns game! Unfortunately this is the only pic I had on my computer around Christmas time, so this represents our December :) We had a great time together and a wonderful Christmas as well, which we got to celebrate with both sides of the family!

That about does it for catching up! I do want to add a couple more things that have recently happened...First my amazing sister Lindsay got married in November to Andrew. It was a BEAUTIFUL wedding and it has been so nice to have another married on the Cook side :)

The last thing I want to add is about Court :) Everyone is probably wondering what this picture at the bottom is about...well, Court got a new job in February working at a company called Vision Makers Int. They do stone work on custom homes, buildings etc. He works mostly as a construction manager and has loved his new job. It truly has been such a blessing for us!

Court also was able to take a dirt biking trip in Baja with his Brother-in-law Greg. Needless to say he had the time of his life! The trip sounded very intense and very Court like :)Thank you Greg too for all you did for him on that trip! It was a happy 6 days for Court and I'm so glad he got to go!

Well, this about wraps it up. And yes, be expecting more posts! We have some big adventures coming up ahead :)