Friday, May 21, 2010

I can't believe May is already coming to an end! It amazes me all that can happen in a month! As far as the house news goes...everything is still looking great! Our loan should be out of underwriting any day now and me and Court are very anxious to have those house keys in our hands.

We're also very excited because we get to go to Utah memorial day weekend and see everyone we've been missing! We're so glad we'll be there for baby Sadies blessing and when Faithy has her baby!
We're also adding more turtles to our growing turtle family because guess what Court wanted for his birthday....water turtles! Who would of thought! haha. Anyway, it should be fun picking them out so we're looking forward to getting them.

Kristen, my youngest sister is graduating this Thursday too! CRAZY! Her and Lindsay are getting ready to move up to Provo and while I'm excited for them I'm going to miss them like crazy and tell them everyday they should've moved up earlier (like when I was there haha)

Work has been going well for both me and Court but we're looking forward for the couple days off we'll have in Utah. Court loves that school is out and is enjoying the summer! And we're both happy and excited for summer vacations coming up! We've had fun swimming and doing stuff with friends and family lately! I also knew exactly what i wanted to put for my grateful part today! So...This morning Court was being so funny...and i was thinking how grateful I am for a husband who makes me laugh so hard everyday! He's the best! I'm so glad we have so much fun to together!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

New Adventures!

To begin...House news! Pictures are up, yay! So far everything is looking good with the fun loan stuff. Me and Court both cannot wait to just be done and get going on fixing it up! Marv told us about a great place to go and buy pretty much anything you would ever need to fix a house for very cheap! :) so we checked it out today and I'm pretty sure Court has a new favorite store.

We had a fun, random adventure the other day. Court and I decided it was high time we got our roller blades out and so out they came. Goal: roller blade to the store and buy ice cream. With a bladed mile down and the store in front of us Court turns to me with a huge smile and says "Should we roller blade to your parents' house?" and of course(because i would think this is a great idea) respond enthusiastically, "YES!"
Well... Five(yes, five) miles down, randomly ending side walks on busy roads, unlit streets, a free limeade from Sonic(thank goodness sonic felt bad for us, that drink we both swear made all the difference) and minimal accidents we made it to our destination and roller bladed proudly through my parents' entry way. Haha thank you mom for having pity on us and giving us a ride back home. Anyway...that was a fun time, and i recommend it to anyone :)

Now to end, April was a great month for us and we know May will be just as good! Court can't wait to finish school for the summer and to celebrate his Birthday! and we can't wait to get the keys to the house. I was thinking today what i should write for my grateful thing today..well there's two. With mothers day coming up this week I've been thinking lots about my mom and everything she's done for me. So i am so grateful for my mom! she has been amazing and has sacrificed so much for all of her kids! I'm also very grateful for my mother in law. I feel very blessed to be a part of her family and to have her as an example in my life!
My second, for tithing. As cheesy as it may sound...It has been a huge blessing in our lives and I know that that's why things have been working out for us!
Until next time!