Sunday, April 18, 2010


Why excitement??? Our offer got accepted on the house! Me and Court are so excited and both of us could not believe it when we found out! There's definitely some work that needs to be done but it is going to be beautiful! We can't wait to spend time together fixing it up and actually having space! Hopefully we'll have it freshly painted and ready to move into by the end of May.It will be such a wonderful change after the couple apartments we've lived in :) I'll be sure to keep posting updates on the house and get some picture of it up soon!

We were in California this last week, Saturday night to Wednesday evening. It was so fun to see everyone! Baby Sadie is so adorable and has the cutest head of hair i've ever seen! We(well ok, Zack, Court and Tyler) were able to finish the patio cover while we were there and it looks so good! They did a great job! We haven't seen Zack and Jenny forever too so it was so fun being able to see them again! I had a running partner this time too! Thanks Jenny! It was a good trip, we got a a lot done and had a lot of fun!

Today has been such a good day! It's been nice to have a whole day with Court and a relaxing one at that. Church was good, we made a yummy dinner watched Lord of the Rings and took a walk. We've had so much fun talking about plans for our future home. We went over to my parents house and thats always nice, especially when everyone is actually home and my dad :) Oh how I love them! Sundays are always my favorite.

Well to end, I have a whole little shpill for my thankful part of the blog...Life has definitely been keeping us busy lately and with that thing can get a little stressful sometimes. Anyway I was feeling a little over whelmed and had a little break down and of course here comes Court, who already has lots to deal with, and tells me how grateful he is for me and all I do. It made my day. I'm so grateful for such a good and hard working husband. We started talking today too about how blessed we feel we've been. We just kept naming blessing after blessing and let me tell you, do that and the good always out weighs the bad. So today I feel grateful for everything :) Especially the gospel, and that because of that we always have something to be hapy about even in the midst of hard times.

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