Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Em's big girl room got finished awhile ago and sleeping in that big bed of hers is going great. She can't get out of it by herself which is kind of nice haha. Her room is sweet and simple. (I apologize for the lighting)
Eventually she'll have a head board

 There is one wall left I have to get frames for but other than that we are good to go. She loves to put coins in that piggy bank on her dresser.

Now for the nursery....

 We love this little boy nursery, now we just need to fill it with our cute, adorable boy!

Court also worked on this project for a couple days. Since we had to use our office for the new baby room, he did a built in desk down stairs in the dining room/kitchen. He is amazing isn't he? I think it turned out great, and it has been really nice to have. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Baby Boy Shower

Saturday was my shower for baby brother (yes, we still don't have a name hence the baby brother). My sisters threw it for me and it was so much fun.
I had a lot of fun at my shower for Emery but this one was a little more fun I think just because it was a little smaller and with just close friends. I told Lindsay that she did not have to go all out, just keep it simple but let me tell you she did A LOT and it was perfection. She kind of went with the theme of his nursery-blue and orange and a little bit nautical. I loved everything about it.

 This little girl and I have been taking advantage of our last few weeks of one on one time. I can't get enough of my Em. 
 My cute sisters. I don't know what face I'm doing here, but just go with it. 
 Don't worry the heart on the belly wasn't done in seriousness. I love those two girls! 
Thanks to them and my Mama for the best baby shower I could have asked for! 
Pretty much 35 weeks. Let the count down begin! 
I absolutely can't wait for my sweet baby boy to get here.