Saturday was my shower for baby brother (yes, we still don't have a name hence the baby brother). My sisters threw it for me and it was so much fun.
I had a lot of fun at my shower for Emery but this one was a little more fun I think just because it was a little smaller and with just close friends. I told Lindsay that she did not have to go all out, just keep it simple but let me tell you she did A LOT and it was perfection. She kind of went with the theme of his nursery-blue and orange and a little bit nautical. I loved everything about it.
This little girl and I have been taking advantage of our last few weeks of one on one time. I can't get enough of my Em.
My cute sisters. I don't know what face I'm doing here, but just go with it.
Don't worry the heart on the belly wasn't done in seriousness. I love those two girls!
Thanks to them and my Mama for the best baby shower I could have asked for!
Pretty much 35 weeks. Let the count down begin!
I absolutely can't wait for my sweet baby boy to get here.