Tuesday, May 13, 2014

32 Weeks, Mother's Day and Em

31 Weeks Pregnant

Things have continued to go well. About a week after I entered my third trimester I started feeling so so so tired. It has been hard for me to want to do anything but sleep and poor Emery probably wondered what was going on with mom. Well, I kid you not that this last Monday I woke up with boundless energy. Me and Emmy have played like there is no tomorrow and I have gotten huge projects done. Can you say nesting much??? That's the only thing I can think of. I am just starting to feel tired tonight, but I hope this energy having thing stays put for awhile. 

I do feel much more ready for baby boy to get here though. This pregnancy is now just starting to feel  long to me. I am ready for him to be here. 

He is quite the mover. I swear I feel more like there's an octopus in there than a baby. He moves so much more than Em did. 
I continue to be grateful that I've worked out through out my whole pregnancy. That has helped me feel a lot better and not be so uncomfortable. Really, I have felt totally normal until these past couple weeks. Hopefully, it will have helped me shed the pounds quicker after baby gets here too :) 

Anyway, we are getting more and more excited for our little man to get here. If you ask Em where her baby is she will point to her belly. It's pretty cute. I can't wait to see her be a big sister. Heres to 8 weeks (hoping for like 5 or 6 weeks) left of pregnancy! 

Mother's Day

 We celebrated Mother's Day the Thursday before since my mom and dad left to Italy Mother's Day weekend. We had a good time being together and had a delicious dinner. I sure love this Mom of mine. Really, I don't think you could ever meet a more selfless person. Love her so much. I continue to be grateful for the amazing women in my life...my grandmas, my mother in law, sisters...all are such good examples to me.
Court gave me a good mother's day, which included a sweet card and a date of my choice...and the matching curtains to the baby bedding :)

Speaking of Mothers...Here is a little mama in the making...

 Emery has really been playing with her baby dolls a lot more lately. I'll look over and see her putting one of her dollies in this certain cabinet in the kitchen with her blankie and she'll look at me and put her finger to her lips and say "sssss" (sshhhh).  I find them in her high chair with "nacks." She also loves looking at this book I have all about babies and how they develop. It's the cutest thing in the world. She has also been very insistent that they have "poopoo" and will make me change there diaper and wipe them haha. I'm hoping this means she will take to her new brother a lot easier rather than harder. She just cracks me up. She'll be all motherly to her babies one second and the next I look over and she is riding her vanity make up mirror like a motorcycle and saying "vrrroooom" 
 Em's room is totally done, I was going to put up pictures but I forgot I actually used my real camera and not my phone so I will post them when I post the nursery probably. We got this little table  for her room and she LOVES it! 

 Every one please be impressed that this girl actually has a diaper on. When we play outside she is usually stark naked (with sunscreen on of course :) ) This is a daily for us. Swimming, sand box, running around the yard. She would stay out there all day if I let her. 
 Court is building a little desk area for our computer in the dining room/kitchen area and the cabinet is Em's new favorite place to play. This is the same one where she puts her baby to bed. 

Haha, she loved when I put my shirt on her and shoved her pink ball up there. We all could not stop laughing. I don't know if she liked it because it made her look like mommy or what but it was hilarious. She didn't want to take it off. 

I know I just did a post on Em, but I had to put up some more pictures. I have been feeling extra grateful for this peanut. She has been more challenging and I have had less patience from being tired and sometimes I honestly think 'how can I do another day of this?' Being a mom is really tough sometimes, but man it still is the best thing in the world. I don't know how it is hard and easy, and the best and the most difficult, and the most fun and the mundane all at the same time, but it is. Actually, it's all the good parts more. Nothing makes me happier than this girl. I can't wait to have another one running around!